AI-Driven intelligence
A new era of hiring with AI-driven screening
Find the best-fit candidates quickly and easily
Best-fit candidates
Instantly shortlist thousands of candidates with unmatched accuracy tests
Analyze thousands of data points on millions of candidates – from education & industry experience, to specific competencies – often demonstrated by top performers in your company. These data points are then synthesized into one Talent500 score, that lets you instantly winnow down a long list of applicants to curated candidates who are most likely to excel at the job.
Multi-level Assessments
360° Screening through integration with assessments & interview-as-a-service
78% of applicants lie on resumes. Most are not caught until it’s too late.
Evaluate candidates with 100+ customizable online pre-employment tests through various parameters like technical knowledge, soft skills, cultural fit, and more to eliminate the guesswork and reduce your hiring risk.
Streamlined interview process for elevated candidate experience
Cut down on time spent on managing & scheduling interviews. Our expert interviewers understand your team’s required skillset, and conduct structured interviews to assess candidates based on their technical strengths. We schedule and conduct interviews on your behalf, ensuring consistency and helping you quickly identify the best candidates.
Unbiased hiring
Ensure your hiring process is fair & inclusive
Support and advance your DE&I goals while also ensuring that you’re hiring the most qualified candidates for the job. Our advanced AI-powered platform is specifically designed to identify and combat biases in the hiring process to ensure your hiring practices are fair and equitable.
Anonymize candidate profiles to mitigate biases based on identifying factors like gender or ethnicity.
AI-driven screening with Talent500
Find exactly the talent you need to help your business success
Talent500 helps the world’s fastest growing businesses build their global workforce.
We help companies hire, build and manage global teams. We are trusted by industry leaders across the globe – from Fortune 500s and larger enterprises, to some of the world’s fastest-growing startups. We are backed by Accel Partners & ANSR, a global leader and enterprise transformation platform.
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